Melora Griffis, beyond all walking / cave, 2017, acrylic and glitter on canvas, 38 x 40 in.
Melora Griffis, freibad, 2017, acrylic, glitter and graphite on canvas, 38 x 40 in.
Melora Griffis, rettungsboot /3, 2017, acrylic, glitter, fabric and thread on muslin, 52 x 54 in.
Melora Griffis, broken (wing triptych), 2017, acrylic, glitter, fabric, leather and thread mounted on wood panel, 12 x 12 in.
Melora Griffis, missing (wing triptych), 2017, acrylic, glitter, fabric, leather and thread mounted on wood panel, 12 x 12 in.
Melora Griffis, extra (wing triptych), 2017, acrylic, glitter, fabric and thread mounted on wood panel, 12 x 12 in.
Melora Griffis, sister, 2008, oil on canvas, 32.5 x 21.5 in.
Melora Griffis, loose garment, 2015, oil on linen, 14 x 11 in.
Melora Griffis, pool of light, 2015, acrylic, gouache, charcoal, graphite and pastel on paper, 19 x 22.75 in.
Melora Griffis, imaginary cave, 2015, acrylic, gouache, charcoal, graphite and pastel on paper, 19 x 22.75 in.
Melora Griffis, attached, 2015, muslin, cotton diaper, gauze, gesso and thread, 11 x 19 x 9 in.
Melora Griffis, pussy bundle, 2015, mixed fiber and thread, 7.5 x 6 x 3.5 in.
Melora Griffis, a puddle between us, 2011, oil on canvas, 36 x 36 in.
Melora Griffis, beyond all walking / cave, 2017, acrylic and glitter on canvas, 38 x 40 in.